Duration: 176′

A collector of Images and Sounds, remaining unseen like a ghost, just like many of those he is imagining and listening for, is trying to compose-as objectively as he can- through the juxtaposition of documents, a puzzle of actions and interventions that harmed the country in modern history. Doing so, he comes across the Road Map for the region and the role of the Foreign factor. And of course the Political elite  of the country and the Greek expats that did not only tolerate it but also : « The Greek political elite  wants something more than an advise…they want a decision”

Using filmed archival material, both published and unpublished and adding modern takes and scenic interventions, Dionysis Grigoratos tries to approach the causes leading to the three worst national disasters for Hellenism the ASIA MINOR CATASTROPHE, the CIVIL WAR and the CYPRUS PROBLEM, a tragedy that persists.